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Conformation JTS – Info Sessions – compulsory

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Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Category: , ,

Andrew Burt (VIC) will be presenting 3 information sessions to all members of the conformation judges training scheme.

Sessions will commence at 10am sharp and are compulsory for all Canberra JTS applicants.

Cost is $10 per person and can be paid to the office prior to the event.

Mar 17

Conformation JTS – Info Sessions – compulsory

  • This event has passed.
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Category: , ,

Andrew Burt (VIC) will be presenting 3 information sessions to all members of the conformation judges training scheme.

Sessions will commence at 10am sharp and are compulsory for all Canberra JTS applicants.

Cost is $10 per person and can be paid to the office prior to the event.