AGM – The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Dogs ACT will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 29 August 2023.
Venue: Macarthur Room, Ainslie Club, 52 Wakefield Avenue, Ainslie.
Proxy forms are here
This is the last year that we will be allowing proxy votes as per Association Incorporation ACT 1991
Each financial member is entitled to appoint another financial member as proxy. Associate and Junior members are not entitled to either appoint a proxy or act as a proxy.
This proxy form means you can appoint another Dogs ACT member to vote for you at the AGM. You should check with that person that they are a full current financial member, a resident of the ACT.
No member may hold more than 5 proxies.
You may give or email this form to the Dogs ACT Office. All proxies must be received at least 24 hours before the AGM – i.e. by 7.00pm, Monday 28 August 2023. Dogs ACT is not permitted to accept them after this time and date.
Links/ Background information
The ACT Government has amended the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 to state that a member may vote by proxy at a meeting until February 28th, 2024. Also, that if an association’s rules are inconsistent with this provision, the rules have no effect to the extent of the inconsistency.
Associations Regulation Act 1991
Part 1.4 General Meetings
29. Voting
(1) Subject to subsection (3), on any question arising at a general meeting of the association a member has 1 vote only.
(2) All votes must be given personally or by proxy but no member may hold more than 5 proxies.
(3) If the votes on a question at a general meeting are equal, the person presiding is entitled to exercise a second or casting vote.
(4) A member or proxy is not entitled to vote at any general meeting of the association unless all money due and payable by the member or proxy to the association has been paid, other than the amount of the annual subscription payable for the then current year.
30. Appointment of proxies
(1) Each member is entitled to appoint another member as proxy by notice given to the secretary no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting for which the proxy is appointed.
(2) The notice appointing the proxy must be in the form set out in appendix 2.
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Nomination forms for election to Council are here.
Dogs ACT Constitution
16.1.2 (Nominations)
Must be delivered to the administrator of the Association not less than seven (7) days before the date fixed for the AGM at which the election is to take place eg: 22nd August 2023
Dogs ACT Constitution
25.5 (Agenda)
Notice of agenda items for AGM’s must be submitted 60 days before the determined date of the meeting. Thus any items for the agenda must be received before 29th June 2023.