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Canberra Royal Championship Show

  • This event has passed.
Time: 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Venue: Dogs ACT Canine Complex, Exhibition Park
Category: ,

Come to the Canberra Royal 2019

Here is your schedule of judging over the three days & all your information is listed.

Entries Close (mail) 9th January 2019

Entries Close (online) 16th January 2019


Feb 22

Canberra Royal Championship Show

  • This event has passed.
Time: 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Venue: Dogs ACT Canine Complex, Exhibition Park
Category: ,

Come to the Canberra Royal 2019

Here is your schedule of judging over the three days & all your information is listed.

Entries Close (mail) 9th January 2019

Entries Close (online) 16th January 2019