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Scent Work, ACT German Shepherd Dog Association

  • This event has passed.
Time: 10:30 am - 5:00 pm
Venue: ACT GSDA Complex
Organizer https://www.showmanager.com.au/



Change of judge for this event, as of 17 June 2022.

There is another Scent Work Element Trial on this date, at Dogs ACT – see separate advertisement!

Jun 26

Scent Work, ACT German Shepherd Dog Association

  • This event has passed.
Time: 10:30 am - 5:00 pm
Venue: ACT GSDA Complex
Organizer https://www.showmanager.com.au/



Change of judge for this event, as of 17 June 2022.

There is another Scent Work Element Trial on this date, at Dogs ACT – see separate advertisement!